Motivational Quote: If you want to achieve a high goal, you're going to have to take some chances... Is taking the risk worth it? That depends on your philosophy of life. You realize that striving and giving it your all, but falling a bit short, is going to help you more than never having taken that risk. ~Alberto Salazar
My details of yesterday were done in haste and I realized after I had posted that I had forgotten a few things. I went to the Farmers Market yesterday (highly recommend) and found someone selling fresh salsa. I love salsa but I get so disappointed in the grocery store brands. This man offered me a taste and I accepted....the salsa, while absolutely delicious, was at the end of a chip. Not only that, in my enjoyment I pleasantly accepted a second chip. It was just as I bit down that I remembered, oh I am not supposed to be having this! So yes, yesterday I cheated with two chips. But it was worth it!
Another announcement, Lent is officially finished and I may resume drinking one alcoholic beverage. Note the ONE part, this I am not so good at. Yesterday, it was no problem but tonight, I seem to want to finish the bottle. Jason says no. Booo.
This morning was cardio again. While I enjoy the fact it is only 20 minutes, it takes everything I have. I had to chant my way through it. The workout starts at my exertion level 5, no biggie, but I have really ask myself - is this a five or is it less? I know myself, I know I like to slack off, so I constantly keep myself in check. Keeping myself honest keeps me going straight and not veering off my path to success. I like to compare things that are really hard to the last five minutes of a cardio routine. It is then that you are exhausted but you have to dig deep and push past the resistance to finish strong. Today, I was hurting at my last level 7. I couldn't think past each minute, it was too painful to think about what was coming up. I imagined I was riding beside Lance Armstrong and we were pedaling up a hill. It came time for 9 and I could clearly see the trees whizzing past me as we zipped along the trail. Then it came time for 10 and I yelled "give it to me 10, I love this, I love this, yes, this workout is almost over, give me more 10!" Before I knew it, I was pedaling faster than I had ever done and I could see the finish line ahead. As the seconds dragged on, I imagined how wonderful it would feel when the workout was over. Then, as I reached total exhaustion it was over. Glorious relief. Today I didn't feel sick but rejuvenated. The energy has stayed with me all day. The more we give away of ourselves the better we feel!
Jason and I are really starting to see some changes. Jason is losing weight in his neck and this morning he commented that his shirts are beginning to feel big. Not only are we both seeing physical changes, there are changes emotionally too. We are both handling stress better, we aren't as tired at the end of the day and eating has taken on a whole new meaning. It isn't about how much we eat, but savoring every small bite we do have on our plate. Having less really makes you appreciate more. Cheat day is only two days away!
Jason and I also have noticed that getting up to workout isn't as hard as it once was. It is just a part of our morning routine. Like taking a shower or eating, exercising is a part of our life. Not going to lie and say we don't miss laying around in bed, but getting up and exercising really preps us for a great day!
Today was Good Friday and is was to be an all day fasting with only one meal. Unfortunately, I suffer from blood sugar problems and for the safety of others, I did not fully participate. I still practiced what I have normally practiced (one regular meal and two small meals). This morning I had my western omelet. For lunch my friend Dhara gave me some lessons on making Indian bread. She is such a wonderful cook and she shared her wisdom and spices with me. Today, she experimented and for the first time made naan flat bread. It was soooo delicious. I ate one piece, some potato mixture and some cottage cheese. It was absolutely amazing! She even gave me lessons on making roti and I understand where I have gone wrong. I think it is going to take practice at this point. She is such a patient teacher.
For dinner I ate some leftover potato mixture and a slice of Indian bread. Right now I am starving and can't wait till I can eat tomorrow. Tomorrow is preparing to fill the Easter basket. I am excited, my first Easter basket to be blessed!
Three things I did well today:
1. Exercised my little heart out;
2. Only had one glass of wine; and
3. Drank my 10 glasses of water.
One thing I am doing well tomorrow:
1. Preplan for workout. (boooo)
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