Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Inspired by Those Who Take the High Road

It was the dirtiest campaign I had ever seen. Almost daily my mailbox was filled with tons of flyers smearing her name. I had people knocking on my door and ringing my phone, telling me what a bad person she was. I had met her and I knew how hard she fought for what she believed in. She became known as the go-to person for anyone trying to fight for their rights against the government. In her campaign I never saw her resort to nasty tactics or attempt to throw mud on her competitor. She kept her head high and her shoulders straight. She took every punch with the grace of a lady and I am proud to see she has won by a close margin.
I became emotionally and physically exhausted from all the campaign propaganda. I can understand why only 44% of the registered voters even bothered to show up on November 2nd. Who can you believe? How do you decipher fact from fiction? I give it the smell test. If all a candidate can do is trash talk their competitor, it is likely they don’t have a clue. How do they get the money for all that direct mailing? Who is funding their campaign? What do they want in return if their token candidate wins?
I am inspired by the way Gabrielle Giffords acted throughout her campaign. She got my vote based on her hard work, not on how bad her opponent was. I can only imagine the blood, sweat and tears she shed during her campaign. Her margin is slim but unofficially she has won by only 2,349 votes. See, every vote counts! How nice it is to see a candidate win on merit rather than on money. Thanks you Gabrielle for showing class through it all. You inspire me!
MOTIVATIONAL CHALLENGE: How often do you take the high road? What do your actions say about you?

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