I read this disturbing post on a blog yesterday. This woman was shocked to learn that her young child had announced that she did not believe in God. The mother was concerned that somehow she was responsible for this belief and wondered how on earth that could have happened. The mother was a devout Catholic. In the end the mother felt proud that her daughter felt strong enough to stand by her beliefs. What is wrong with this?
Too often people confuse religion with relationship. They think that if they dutifully go to church, and go through the motions, that they will go to heaven and all will be right in their world. They can’t understand why their children aren’t buying into this idea. Children are allowed to express themselves more freely than ever before. They are intelligent and have access to all kinds of information on the Internet. Unfortunately parents are less and less present in their children’s lives. Children are left to figure things out on their own. If parents do nothing but go to church, of course children aren’t going to believe. You have to bring God into your everyday life. You have to talk about Him, lean on Him in crisis and turn to Him for advice. Show how He exists in your life and He will exist in theirs. I have decided to look for God every day. If you have an inspiring story to share, please do. If not, continue to read and see if you don’t become inspired yourself.
Carey, I completely disagree with you. I read this article as well and I do not agree at all with you.
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you something. I am fourteen years old and an agnostic. My parents are both Christians. I can form my own opinions for I am my own person. Just like you are.
My parents accept that I do not believe what they believe because they know that I am my own person. They understand.
I have the same thought process as you. I have my own opinions on things. When I was 11 I had my own opinions on things. When I was 11 I told my parents I did not believe in what they did.
You are looking at this from a Christian standpoint. Try to think about it from a non-Christian standpoint.
Why would you force your beliefs down your child's throat? Your children will hate you for that. They won't be able to tell you anything.
If that is the mom that you want to be, then okay. You can be "that mom" no one likes for forcing ideas onto your children. Let them believe what they want.
Yes, I applaud the fact that a 14-year-old with limited life experience has the courage to stand up for what she believes in. God has a way of revealing himself to everyone. Keep your eyes and your mind open.
ReplyDeleteAre you being sarcastic?
ReplyDeleteI do have plenty of life experience, yes not as much as you, but I have been through quite a bit to know what I am talking about.
You are quite ignorant to believe that you know more about life than I do.
You're the one believing in something that may not be true and investing your life into something that could be totally fake.
I can see it now "Inspired by a fourteen year old girl"
Think about it what you will, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am simply saying that at fourteen years of age, you have not lived long enough to be able to form a solid opinion one way or another. I was suggesting you keep an open mind. And sorry, but you don't inspire me.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but I am able to form my own opinions and I have been for quite awhile. I know how I feel on many things and I've realized my beliefs don't go well with christian or any religion's beliefs.
ReplyDeleteYou know everyone's an atheist/agnostic. Some just take it one God further. You have no right to tell me what to believe in. I believe in abortion, gay marriage, and acceptance. All of which your religion doesn't really touch on too well. I also don't believe in hate and abstinence. So, yeah.
I know what I believe in, believe it or not. I know why I believe in certain things just as you do. So I wouldn't say I don't know how to form my own opinions.
Good. I don't want to inspire you in any way, shape or form. I just want to tell you how I feel about what you said.
Some people never form thoughtful opinions whether 14 or 44. Others--(the questioners and the critical thinkers)-- do so at avery young age. I see no reason why 14 is not old enough to ponder such questions. Indeed most denominations confirm at this age on the presumption that 14 is an age of reason.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is not one of age but of impartiality and lack of bias. To be able to approach this subject without preconceptions that have been indoctrinated from early childhood. Then and only do our built in bull shit meters function unimpaired.
It's been said that the best way to become an atheist is to read the bible. But only when you are old enough to comprehend the implications of it's doctrines. And to do that it must be approached free from the pressure of assorted zealots asserting it's "absolute truth".
Take a scholarly read on the bible (the way they do in University)---study it in the context of other belief systems and mythologies from which Christianity is derived. What you learn and conclude may put you at odds with the typical American Christian.
The mother is proud that her daughter has learned to think independently, critically and to hold to her convictions and why not? I'd be proud of her too. Skepticism is the hallmark of a rational mind. It is by skepticism that we learn what is demonstrably true as opposed to merely asserted without evidence. Children are not here to be made clones of their parents. Diversity of faith and belief is an essential component of mankind's existence. It's what makes the world go round---deal with it.
ReplyDeleteFreedom of belief is the one essential right that can never be usurped. It is the very last inch of our integrity. Be tolerant for the day may come when you may need that same tolerance on behalf of your faith.