Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Inspired to Talk About Christmas

I don't understand why people don’t want to say Merry Christmas. Really? What is the difference of saying Happy Christmas versus Happy Valentine’s Day or Happy Thanksgiving? They are all names of the day on a calendar year. I wonder if in a few years on December 25th calendars will read Holiday instead of Christmas Day. Can you imagine anything so sad? What will we call it when Christmas comes? Okay kids, let's open your holiday presents! How wrong is that?
This year I intend to tell everyone I see, Merry Christmas! This is a wonderful time of year and I won’t let the minority tell me how to celebrate it!  


  1. Your ignorance kills me.

  2. I refuse to say "happy holidays!". It's always been and will always be "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to me! And to synonymoushate...the only thing I can say to you is that you have an "opinion"!!

  3. God. Can't you respect other people's religions?

    I'm agnostic. I celebrate a holiday. Respect other religions. Say "Happy Holidays" It's respectful. What if they celebrated Kwanzaa or Hannukah? Be respectful.

  4. Synonymoushate, nice to see you have decided to become a fan of my blog! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  5. Erin,

    Everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion and Carey was simply sharing hers.

    Allow me to share mine.

    Seek help for what ails you. If your parents don’t or won’t support you then talk to someone at school. Call someone yourself. Do what you have to do to get things straightened out. YOU can affect positive change in your life.

    Believe me when I tell you that life can be so much better than what you’re experiencing right now, but you have to give it an honest shot. Don’t take to heart how other people feel about you and let it negatively impact who you are. You spoke of life experience in an earlier response to this blog. I’m here to tell you that you haven’t experienced anything yet. Once you get out on your own, you’ll meet a great many more people that share common interests and beliefs with you. Trust me, you’re not alone.

    The whole eating thing? Wherever you got that target weight chart from, it’s garbage.

    And tell yourself, “I love me some ME!”

  6. The only Christmas greeting I accept is "Here's your birthday gift, one day early!".

    Synonymoushate - The letters in your name can be rearranged to spell "Stony Anus, Homy".

    I'm just sayin...
