Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 49 - One Day at a Time

It was a real bummer to get up this morning, I was exhausted. I had this idea that I would work out today to make up for missing one day earlier this week. Yeah, that didn't happen. I really think it is all the sugar and fat that we consume the day before that wipes me out. Last night after I posted we ate strawberry shortcake with caramel sauce and whipped cream. Yummm. Jason and I both gained five pounds yesterday. That still amazes me, five pounds! I think it is mostly water retention. I imagine if I didn't work it off it would be a permanent weight gain, but I know by Friday I will see it all gone. That is a relief.

The one think I am really enjoying about this regimen is the self-discipline I am developing. It is becoming easier and easier to do the things I typically wouldn't want to do. Today I whipped up some roties and I can remember when the idea of making roties was exhausting. I couldn't believe my friend Dhara makes those every day, now I make them almost every day. They aren't that hard. Today I decided to get prepared for the week. I sat down and planned our meals for the week and added to the shopping list. That was nice. I feel all organized now!
This book I am reading touches on the significance of discipline - disciplined people have disciplined thought and produce disciplined action. Discipline begets discipline. They pointed to a study of 1435 companies that went from good to great during the years of 1965 and 1995. The one thing they had in common was disciplined people, thought and action. Those are the keys to success. Interesting. I have to agree with that because I can point to many times in my life where I fell short and can directly correlate that to a lack of discipline. I would start out with tons of energy and all excited and a few days or weeks later I let it go. Imagine where I would be if I'd have stuck it out on a few things.

For breakfast we ate oatmeal and protein powder. For snack I was at church without my snack in hand and the only thing remotely healthy available was a piece of watermelon. I only had one. For lunch we had rice and beans and had the same for the afternoon snack. For dinner I made another Carey Concoction:
Campfire Chicken

One breast of chicken - frozen
Bring to a boil it in three cups water and add ½ onion, 1 garlic, 1 bay leaf, ½ tsp marjoram, thyme and rosemary and reduce heat to low for one hour. When done shred with fork. Strain and reserve stock.

In heavy pan, lightly oil and sauté ½ chopped red pepper, 5 cloves of chopped garlic, 1 chopped scallion. When translucent remove from pan into bowl.
Mix 2 TBLS quick mixing flour (I use Wondra) and ¼ cup water in cup. Wisk. Add to 1 cup reserved stock and bring to a boil in the pan. Wisk continuously for a minute or two and reduce heat. Add chicken, sautéed vegetables, 1 cup frozen peas and corn.

Add ½ tsp of: Cumin, crushed rosemary, thyme, and marjoram.
1 tsp Kosher salt and ½ tsp pepper

Dash of red pepper
Cook over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes until cooked through.

It was a nice quick meal. I needed that today.
Evening snack was protein powder and strawberries.

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