Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 23 - Keeping Focused

Motivational Quote: I can't concern myself with what goes on with the club or what the media is writing. If you pay attention to those things, that's when you get yourself into trouble. ~Don Mattingly

Some days, like today, I feel like I do too much. It is on these days that the world grabs my attention and I find myself constantly distracted. Today I found myself not drinking enough water, forgetting the water bottle at home, almost forgetting my afternoon snack, putting oil on my lunch salad and licking off my fingers when I touch forbidden food. What is my deal?? These were all mindless tasks that I didn't even realize I was doing until after it was done. Crazy. Good thing getting up and exercising was part of my routine, I might have forgotten to do it!

Staying focused is key. What we focus on, we make happen. I find that I think about what I need to do and it becomes overwhelming. I almost become paralyzed with indecision on what to do next. A girl I follow on twitter today remarked on how she injured her foot while working out. She remarked she wasn't positioned right for a moment. I find in my workouts if I don't consciously think about what muscle group I am building, I miss the mark on my workout. I don't have time to miss marks, I need every workout to count! It only takes a moment to change the path of your life. Make this moment count!

I didn't sleep that great last night, I found myself waking up a few times. When the alarm finally went off, I was awake already. I had my workout all ready but when I went into the garage I realized I didn't want to do that workout. If I start to find things wrong with my workout, that means I need to spice it up! I have been doing pretty much the same thing for the past three weeks. I then asked myself, what exercise would you rather do? It is amazing how every time I ask questions of myself, I actually get an answer! This is the new lower body workout:

QUADS:  Leg Extensions, first five; Squat last one.

HAMSTRINGS: Leg Curls, first five; Deadlift last one.

CALVES: (okay, didn't change this one up) Calf raises first five; decline calf raises last one.

ABS: (same 'ol, same 'ol here too) Straight Leg Raises first five; Twist Crunch last one.

I left feeling refreshed and ready for the day! What a difference it makes when you start to LIKE your workout!

Breakfast was protein oatmeal and cinnamon with one cup of coffee.

Snack was banana vanilla protein shake

Lunch was ½ leftover chicken breast cut over bed of greens and a little oil (oops) and some balsamic vinegar and a ½ of grapefruit.

Snack was again banana vanilla protein shake

Dinner was awesome. I got my inspiration from the South Beach Diet Cookbook. It is called Spice Rubbed Chicken Fingers with Cilantro Dipping Sauce. I had to make some changes to fit my low-oil lifestyle. It is good!

Heat a large pan over the stove and spray lightly with oil.

Two raw chicken breast, pounded flat and sliced into chicken fingers.


1 tsp chili powder

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp coriander

¼ tsp salt

Sprinkle over chicken and rub into until a nice reddish tint. I use a cast iron grilling pan and it works awesome. Place chicken on pan and cook until 170 degrees.

In a food processor combine:

1 bunch parsley (cut off stems)

1 bunch cilantro (stems cut off)

1 jalapeno pepper (seeded and trimmed)

2 TBLS Lime Juice

3 cloves garlic

Process until somewhat smooth (it appears slightly chunky when done)

Chill until ready to serve.

Dip the chicken in the sauce and enjoy. I served this with ½ green apple. This sauce even tasted good on the apple, a bit of spicy sweet!

Tonight I am enjoying some crystal light and a shot of vodka. Delicious.

Three things I did well today:

1.      Resisted the temptation to eat a piece of pecan pie... yum

2.      Exercised my heart out

3.      Ate really well today (with the exception of a few finger sucking instances...darn my child eating some really good forbidden food)

One thing I am doing better tomorrow:

1.      Drinking my water!

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